Sari Kunyit Asam

Sari Kunyit Asam is specially crafted for fresh taste and good benefits.

Turmeric helps restore inflammation from pollution, stress, menstruation, post-partum, to internal infections such as stomach ulcer. Tamarind contains polyphenols which act both as antioxidants and anti-inflammatory.

Sari Kunyit Asam; a daily drink for your healthy family. Beneficial for everyone from all ages & background.

Warm regards,

Komposisi: Kunyit, Asam Jawa, Gula Aren
Ingredients: Turmeric, Tamarind, Arenga Sugar

Netto 500 mL. Simpan di lemari pendingin. Keep refrigerated.  

Tuangkan 4 sdm ke 200-250 mL air, aduk rata. Gunakan es batu untuk racikan segar atau air hangat untuk racikan hangat.

Put 4 tbsp into 200-250 mL water, stir.
Add ice cubes for freshness or warm water for warmth.